Treating TMJ Disorder– Aspen Hill, MD

The Right Solutions for Each Patient

At Exceptional Dentistry Pain & Sleep Solutions, our mission is simple—we help our patients finally discover what is causing their pain, and then we make it go away. To do that, Dr. Saba relies on a variety of proven treatments, all of which have a track record of addressing TMD-related pain. With one or more of the procedures listed below for treating TMJ disorder in Aspen Hill, MD, she will use her expertise to pave your way toward a pain-free future.

Why Choose Exceptional Dentistry Pain & Sleep Solutions for Treating TMJ Disorder?

  • Short & Long-Term Relief Options
  • Medication & Surgery-Free Solutions
  • Specially Trained to Provide Botox

Treatment with TENS Machine

“TENS” stands for “transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation,and while that might be a mouthful, the way it works is fairly simple. Small electrode patches are placed on the face and jaw, and these send gentle electric currents into the muscles. This can reduce pain, help with inflammation, and stimulate blood flow to the area, all of which can help provide immediate relief for TMD sufferers.

Occlusal Splint

Custom occlusal splints

An occlusal splint is a small oral appliance that a patient only has to wear to bed. It can protect the teeth from unconsciously grinding together during sleep, and it can also slightly reposition the jaw into a more relaxed and natural position. This can allow the muscles to finally heal, plus this can create a more open airway, which can help reduce (often interrelated) sleep issues.

Equilibrations/ Occlusal Adjustment

Person placing oral appliance for equilibration and occlusal adjustment

When the teeth don’t quite come together properly when the mouth is closed, the jaw muscles will unconsciously try to force them into the “right” position. This can quickly tire the muscles, leading to soreness and pain. Plus, an imbalance in the bite can create high-pressure spots that cause toothaches as well. With an equilibration, small adjustments are made to the teeth (either by removing a few millimeters of enamel or placing restorations) so that when the mouth is closed, the teeth, bite, and jaw all line up. This allows the muscles to relax, which will prevent the pain before it starts.

BOTOX Injections

Woman receiving Botox injections

Yes, Botox is a great way to help reduce TMD pain! Instead of using it to stop the muscle contractions that create facial wrinkles, Dr. Saba can instead inject it into overactive jaw muscles. This cannot only provide immediate relief from TMD, but it can also stop chronic teeth grinding and even help shrink the masseter muscles (the muscles on either side of the jaw that help you chew) to create a more defined jawline.